I have drawn, painted, and worked with my hands since adolescence. During high school, two wonderful art teachers mentored me and urged me to look at the world and paint what I saw. My father was in the military and we traveled to many countries in Europe. I was able to view the masters’ paintings in the Louvre and the Uffizi and sculptures by Michelangelo in Florence. During my young adulthood, I lived in Hawaii and will never forget the colors of the ocean and the rich green foliage of the jungle. These adventures and experiences continue to influence my work today.
I moved to Maine in 1978. After obtaining an RN degree, I attended Maine College of Art for three years. I have continued to take classes there over the years and have continued to attend different art workshops in Maine and abroad.
I have had paintings accepted at juried shows, at Eleven Pleasant St. Center for the Arts in Brunswick, the 10 x 10 Show in Brunswick for four years, the Chocololate Church in Bath, and the Boothbay Regional Art Foundation. I am currently a member of the Centre St. Arts Gallery in Bath, an artist-owned gallery.
Interwoven between my work experiences as a nurse, I have continued to paint. I retired from Nursing in 2015 and have focused solely on painting since then.
As I grow older, I find myself becoming more involved int he creative process, not only as a way to express myself, but as a way to reach deep down and evoke beauty that cannot be verbalized, in order to touch others.