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I strive to create art that comes alive and engages my audience through multiple levels of imagination. My joy is in developing the character and vitality of each work, whether figurative or abstract, and charging my medium itself to breathe life. The freedom to work across a wide spectrum of ideas and forms derives from responsibility to the process of discovery and sharing. New points of view, materials and methods fuel my delight in invention and enrich the widening and deepening range of projects and processes that will always serve as my most grand adventure.
I strive to create art that comes alive and engages my audience through multiple levels of imagination. My joy is in developing the character and vitality of each work, whether figurative or abstract, and charging my medium itself to breathe life. The freedom to work across a wide spectrum of ideas and forms derives from responsibility to the process of discovery and sharing. New points of view, materials and methods fuel my delight in invention and enrich the widening and deepening range of projects and processes that will always serve as my most grand adventure.
Library Heron
Heron (elm)
Heron (elm/detail)
Stalking Heron